Saturday, February 10, 2007

The Coalition cannot succeed in quelling the violence in Iraq

I think that the Coalition cannot succeed in quelling the violence in Iraq, nor could the Iraqi people alone do this should the Coalition forces leave forthwith. The only possible solution I can see is for the United States to announce its inability to bring stability by military efforts and call a conference of all parties who have a direct interest in helping the Iraqi people to stabilize the country. I do not think any of Iraq’s neighbors want this civil war to continue as it very likely could spread to involve them. Therefore, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Jordan, Syria, Turkey, and Iran should all be involved in helping the Iraqi people find an equitable solution to the sectarian conflicts there. The war in Iraq cannot be separated from the greater Middle East conflicts including Israel-Palestine, Lebanon and Afghanistan as well as the larger “War on Terror”. Therefore, these must be settled at the same time. Hence, the Quartet, (United States, United Nations, European Union, Russia) and perhaps China, must work together with all the countries of the Middle East to solve these other problems as well. Iran and the Arab League have both showed willingness and offered plans in the past to resolve these conflicts, including the questions of nuclear weapons. I think that Israel must accept that it must withdraw to its 1967 borders in accordance to U.N. Security Council Resolutions 242, 338, and the other commitments that Israel has made in this regard. In addition, Israel should become part of a Middle East nuclear-free zone.

Through all of this, peace, security, democracy and the welfare of all the people should be the goals. World focus must move from fighting for the control of oil and gas, to finding alternative sources of energy. A nuclear free Middle East can become the initial effort for a nuclear free world and then we can work to stop all wars and get on with saving the planet from global warming and the other threats which face future generations.