Tuesday, January 30, 2007

"Only the US hawks can save the Iranian president now"

In today’s Guardian, Ali Ansari points out clearly and succinctly how, although the Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmedimejad is deemed to be a very incompetent and bad leader, not only by most people throughout the world, but by his own people, President Bush and his hawkish advisors in Washington may yet save his downfall and impeachment at home. In the article, “Only the US hawks can save the Iranian president now”, Ansari, director of the Iranian Institute at the University of St Andrews, lists Ahmedinejad’s failures at home, e.g., lowering interest rates resulting in inflation for the poor and causing the wealthy not to save and/or sending their money abroad as well as dishing out oil money to the poor rather than investing in infrastructure and creating new jobs for the many unemployed young people. Add the this his strange religious convictions and the well known antagonistic remarks and threats to the outside world, and he has few friends or supporters left in Iran. His saving grace may be the accusations and actions against Iran coming from Washington. Iranians like all other people do tend to unite behind their leaders and come together to meet external threat.

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